The 2022 AgriPitch Competition | PES-SME Online

Theme: The Role of African Youth Within African Food Systems

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Total grant funding SME support Duration Short list SME's Who can apply? Priority sectors
USD 140,000 12 Months 25 - Youth(35 Years & Below)
- Agriculture value chain focused businesses
- Businesses that leverages technology
Food & Nutrition


  1. Call For Applications

    October 17, 2022

    Opening of the call for applications.

  2. Virtual Boot camp

    November, 2022

    In the two-week-long business development boot camp, AgriPitch competitors can attend virtual sessions on product development, revenue channel identification, logistics, marketing, business management, investment readiness, financing, and other issues, led by trainers and coaches.

  3. AgriPitch Competition

    December, 2022

    The actual AgriPitch Competition

  4. Deal Room

    November 2022 - June 2023

    In line with the 2022 theme, the AgriPitch Dealroom will be held virtually. The Bank, through the 2022 Virtual Investor Dealroom, aims to create access to capital and markets which are often the two main hurdles for youth agripreneurs to overcome when scaling up their businesses.

  5. Mentorship & Support

    February - July 2023

    Participating agripreneurs will receive follow-up mentorship and coaching (virtually) for a period of six months. The mentorship activity will also link the AgriPitch participants to relevant resources throughout the six month period and beyond.

Eligibility Criteria

Early Start-ups (0-3 years) Mature Start-ups (above 3 years) Women-empowered Businesses (WEBs)
  1. Meet eligibility criteria for Early Start-ups.
  2. Individuals who are at the very early stage of developing ideas/concepts for agripreneurship or a newly established business.
  3. Must have a clearly defined prototype or proof of concept.
  4. May or may not have had any products introduced to the market.
  5. May or may not have a registered corporate entity.
  1. Individuals and firms with existing market traction: technology, product or service, already in the market.
  2. Must have a clear investment ask and growth plan/strategy.
  3. Must be a registered corporate entity.
  1. Meet eligibility requirements for either Early Start-ups or Mature Start-ups.
  2. Firms that are 51% owned by women or founded by a woman.

What do we offer?


AgriPitch falls under the African Development Bank's fourth African Youth Agripreneurs Forum (AYAF) which is a platform for Africa's youth who are interested in the agriculture startup scene.

In line with the 2022 theme, the AgriPitch Dealroom will be held virtually. The Bank, through the 2022 Virtual Investor Dealroom, aims to create access to capital and markets which are often the two main hurdles for youth agripreneurs to overcome when scaling up their businesses.


The AgriPitch online programme includes a training session (Bootcamp) on strategic partnerships for equity in agriculture, nutrition, and financing the youth and women.

In the two-week-long business development boot camp, AgriPitch competitors can attend virtual sessions on product development, revenue channel identification, logistics, marketing, business management, investment readiness, financing, and other issues, led by trainers and coaches

Following the training and bootcamp, the participating agripreneurs will receive follow-up mentorship and coaching (virtually) for a period of six months. The mentorship activity will also link the AgriPitch participants to relevant resources throughout the six month period and beyond.